History Of Hurd Beeswax Candles

Since 1954, Hurd Beeswax Candles has been supplying the trade with distinctive, hand crafted beeswax candles. Beginning with the original honeycomb candle, the line now ranges from such items as Bamboo Candles- brush painted in liquid beeswax, to Ribbon Twists and Silhouettes -each individually hand twisted to shape.

Unlike most candle companies, Hurd Beeswax Candles uses no molds, the candles being made of sheets of pure beeswax which are either rolled or pressed to form the candles. The pliablilty of the sheets allows a delicacy and transparency in such candles as the Silhouettes and Iris Leaves that is unobtainable in poured (molded) candles. Because of the tensile strength of beeswax, these desirable features can be incorporated without danger of the candle bending under strong heat conditions, while the high melting point of beeswax assures long burning.

Our production is now located in an industrial part of the city of St. Helena, California.

Please phone, fax, mail, or click here to contact us with your questions. Bee sure to visit our website often as we announce several exciting new changes.

We Accept Telephone, Mail And Online Orders Only
Tel: 707-963-7211 Fax: 707-963-4358 Toll Free: 800-977-7211

Store Hours: By Appointment Only
Mailing Address: 345 LaFata Street, St. Helena, CA 94574